Order Online

Ordering products online with GoodwoodEshop.com is as easy as:

1. Create an Account & Log In OR just check out as a guest without account.

2. Add Products to your Shopping Cart

3. Checkout

You can start by either creating yourself an account or just go ahead and start adding products to your a virtual shopping cart. Once you are done just head to checkout and complete the payment and shipping details then confirm your order. That's it!

No need register to set up an account if you would like to finish the order as a guest, Click the Yellow button(Check Out with Paypal) to pay by your Credit Card or through your existing Paypal account.

How to Create a Customer Account:

1) Creating an account is very easy, just click on the Register link at right side of the top menu of the site. This will take you to a page that you can follow it to fill out the form and submit to create your account .
2) If you are existing customers,just click on the Log In link at right side of the top menu of the site, follow the page put your registered Email address and password then click LogIn button to log yourself in.

How to Add Products to the Shopping Cart:

1) Look through our catalog to find the products that interest you. The main categories are listed at left sidebox on every pages.

2) Enter the quantity you want and press 'Add to Cart'.

3) Click the shopping cart icon at right top corner or Shopping Cart[more] link at right side box, you will then be able to visit your shopping cart to see all the items inside.

4) You can remove items you added by mistake or changed your mind about within the Shopping Cart it's self by click "X"icon or change the quantity then click refresh icon in your shopping cart.

5) If you are adding products first and create an account after, all of your items will be stored in your account Shopping Cart. For your convenience your cart will be saved for when you log in again.

6) Once you have items in your shopping cart and a registered account you can then complete your order by clicking on Checkout in the menu at the top of the right side.

Checkout to complete your order:

1) Once you click on Checkout, you will be taken to the Shipping Options page. Here you choose whichever option suits your needs. The total rate of shipping from our warehouse to your shipping address is listed on the right-hand side. You can change your Shipping Address by clicking on the Change Your Address button and filling out the new address information. We also offer walk-in service so you can come to our warehouse yourself and shipping will cost you nothing. After you have chosen your shipping service proceed by clicking the Continue Checkout button.

2) Next you will be asked to choose a Payment Method. Information about all of our payment option details are available here. You can also use Discount Coupons to receive special offers found in our Monthly Promotion Email and other ads, also you can redeem your reward points that you earn from previous order. Once you have chosen a payment method and filled out the required information proceed by clicking on the Continue Checkout button.

3) The last step is a confirmation of both Shipping and Payment information, products purchased and your order comments or special instructions and total costs. To complete and send your order simply click on the Confirm button and we begin to process your order.

If you prefer to make an order by phone, please call us from Mon. to Fri. between 9:30am to 5:00pm EST, our operator will very happy to server you.
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